Community-powered Transformation a talk with Engin Ayaz – Social Innovator in Residence Fall 2024

November 28, 2024 @ 18:30 20:00

Join us for a talk by Engin Ayaz the Fall 2024 Social Innovator-in-Residence invited by the ERA Chair in Social Innovation and the DESIS Lab @ Nova SBE.

Community-powered Transformation: An Emerging Paradigm

In this talk, Engin will share select case studies from the past decade of ATOLYE’s work, and highlight the key insights and learnings throughout this journey.

The narrative will index on key principles for cultivating communities of practice, be it through organizational development programs, new architectural spaces, novel digital platforms or cultural programming – or a blend of them. The featured examples will span from private to public sector, from Europe to Middle East, and from education to entrepreneurship as well as social impact to urban placemaking.

The session will also feature ATOLYE’s own Community Playbook as a tangible vessel to guide strategic work. Finally, the session will introduce a quadrant-based framework to better capture and communicate the business value of communities for organizational leaders.

Ultimately, the intent is to inspire a new modality of change within and beyond organizations – where high-touch, high-purpose communities of practice are engaged and activated towards transformation, at scale.

The talk will take place in Marvila, Lisbon, at With Company.

More about Engin Ayaz:

Engin is a transdisciplinary designer and strategist with a background in architecture, systems thinking, and interaction design. Engin is the co-founder of ATÖLYE focusing on building community-powered systems within the kyu Collective as a Director and serves in the Board of

Engin has also taught a range of courses pertaining to architecture, urbanism and systems design at Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design, United Nations Staff College, and Istanbul Bilgi University.

His work has been exhibited worldwide and received awards from Core77, Architizer, Arkitera, World Architecture Community, and Good Magazine, among others. He has also presented in various conferences globally, including two TEDx sessions.


DESIS Lab at Nova SBE

With Company

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