
The ERA Chair in Social Innovation at NOVA SBE aims to strengthen the European Research Area by focusing on three main areas:


Our research focuses on collaboration – in the context of cross-sector partnerships, open innovation and co-creation – to uncover the conditions which trigger and nurture social innovation supporting sustainable development. 


We aim to leverage design thinking, experiential learning and project-based learning to provide NOVA SBE students with learning opportunities to explore further their aspirations for social change and impact.

Through courses, events, and projects, we invite students to ideate, experiment, and collaborate among different majors at NOVA SBE and beyond – with other schools, across disciplines as well as with professionals, local communities, and other stakeholders.

Community Engagement

We aim to collaborate with multiple stakeholders, including local communities and social innovators, to support their efforts in tackling grand challenges. Collaboration includes providing knowledge, training, feedback and resources.

What is Social Innovation?

Social innovation is about developing new ideas, services and models to better address complex social issues such as poverty, social exclusion, aging, health and environmental justice. Social innovation is essential not only in developing new solutions but also in preventing their deepening by nurturing existing successful solutions, encouraging new behaviors and systems for sustainable development.

Furthermore, collaboration is central to social innovation as it requires the inputs and participations from public and private sectors, including civil society.

Social Innovation is currently stimulating a much-needed cultural change, enabling communities to collectively question their usefulness and their connections with society. It is urging disciplines to critically look and listen to how they collaborate internally with their colleagues and externally with their partners, on both local and global levels.  


European Commission , European Social Innovation Research

ERA Chair in Social Innovation

The ERA Chair in Social Innovation at NOVA SBE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 951735.

ERA (European Research Area) Chairs focus on Institutional changes and increase of research capacity. 

They support universities or research organizations from eligible countries to attract and maintain high quality human resources and help excellent scientists and their teams to become game changers in their field.

Learn more here.

The Team

Learn more about the team behind the SocialinNOVA-Hub.


During the year we we have several courses at NOVA SBE.


Check out some of our recent articles and news!