
Business Ethics by Alison Holm

Spring 2023 – coming soon

Open Innovation by Paolo Leone

Spring 2023 – coming soon 

Organizing for Good in the Digital age

Spring 2023 – coming soon 


“Thank you so much for all the effort you put into crafting and facilitating this workshop. I am walking away from the experience with greater confidence in my methodological training, a renewed sense of conviction in my chosen methods, and invaluable connections with my peers in the qualitative community. I am so grateful to you all for taking it upon yourselves to provide this opportunity to emerging scholars and for putting so much thought into the tone, content, and structure of the workshop.” 

“Thank you for a wonderful workshop last week. I learned an incredible amount from each of you that I am already putting to use on my dissertation research. Your presentations each morning were exceptionally useful in helping me to reflect on where I can improve my techniques/ approach to this work, and your incredibly generous one-on-one advice in the afternoon Q&As, over lunch, or in our team breakouts offered some very generative thinking points for me. I have been combing through my pages of notes to make sure I apply all of these lessons in the coming months/years.”


During the year we work on a diversity of projects. Explore some of them.


Learn more about the DESIS Lab @ NOVA SBE.


Discover the mentors of the DESIS Lab @ NOVA SBE.